Focus on Bereaved Parent Support

Rather than bore you with details of the time I’ve spent on my bike recently (I’ve not done anything as exciting as the 100km) I thought it would be good to highlight Care for the Family‘s Bereaved Parent Support – one of the two charities that I’m supporting by riding 550km across India later this year.

Losing a child, whether stillborn, as an adult or somewhere in between, is a heartbreaking ordeal. One that I know nothing about. However Care for the Family’s BPS team have all experienced this tragedy and they help other grieving parents find hope, healing, peace and a way forward for their lives.

There are a number of ways BPS helps grieving parents:

  • Helpful and practical articles about living without a son or daughter.
  • Telephone befriending by someone who’s walking a similar path.
  • Bereaved parent support days.
  • Bereaved parent support weekends away.
  • Resources aimed at helping people help bereaved parents

Click here to read more on the Bereaved Parents Support pages of the Care for the Family website.

Don’t forget, you can make your donation securely at and if you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to gift aid it too.
