I’m writing this on the coach ready to be sent off when we get somewhere with WiFi.
Well, let’s just say that today didn’t exactly go as planned.
After such an arduous day yesterday I slept really well last night; at just over 7 hours it was easily my best night thus far. My legs felt a little bit tight this morning, but surprisingly not too bad. Still, a good stretching session was in order before we left, just to make sure.
The day started off amazingly. An almost leisurely start with breakfast at 6:45 before we headed off all kitted out for the cooler mountain air. Our hotel was the highest hotel in Ooty. Down. Down. Down we went. Gravity was on our side today! The further we descended, the warmer is got, so before too long we had to stop and shed a few layers.

We descended from the high pine forests, through the eucalyptus plantations, made our way through the tea plantations and stopped for a tasty (& cheap) lunch of Kerala rice and curries, followed by fresh pineapple slices.

The views were stunning and I tried to take some videos with my camera as I cycled along. Some sections were really bumpy and the mini-tripod fixed to my bike didn’t look very secure, so I may just have videos of sky or road.
We were due to cycle 10km of undulating hills before a last 20km of downhill again. About half way through the hilly section, we were waiting at the top of a hill for the rest of the team to catch up with us. A car with some locals pulled up next to us and they informed us that there had been a cycle accident further back; a lady had hurt her arm. Deepak (our guide from Explore), Nich (who had the first aid kit) and Rachel (by far the strongest cyclist) headed back.
Before long the support vehicle arrived to tell us all to come back. One of the ladies saw a bump in the road too late, braked, and flew over her handle bars. Her husband, who was close behind, then crashes into her.
By the time we rejoined the rest of the group the ambulance was already there! Super impressive.
So that put pay to the rest of our days ride – cycling through the last part of the descent through the bamboo forest into the state of Kerala. It’s not the best journey on a coach, being very windy, and a number of the team were feeling rather rough by the end of it!
So the two injured, one of the leaders, Matthew (who is Indian), and Di went in the ambulance with them to hospital to get checked over. The rest of us waited at a roadside shop until we knew what was happening.
The casualties received first aid and were subsequently transferred to another, better hospital 80 km closer to tonight’s hotel. After a 3 hour drive We then spent the next goodness knows how many hours at a tea shop waiting for the others to join us from the hospital. After insurance was finally sorted out, luggage was taken to the injured riders. We were told that one had a dislocated elbow and the other a fractured clavicle and some deep cuts requiring suturing. They will be in hospital at least until tomorrow. We still have at least another hour driving (it’s already nearly 9pm), I’m hungry and tired.
So, a stunning start to the day finished on a low. Now I’m just looking forward to arriving at our hotel, having a shower and then getting into bed.
My total cycling distance today was probably only about 60 kilometres
Great to see all your updates and amazing photos! So proud of you for getting to the top on the 26km day! And hope your team members are making a good recovery. Praying for you all often! Leaning on the everlasting arms!!
Glad it wasn’t more serious. Praying for all your safety. Lots of love. Enjoying the updates. Keep going xx