We’ve done it! The last day of cycling is done and dusted. I almost can’t believe it.
Early yesterday evening we moored alongside a home stay which had beautiful orchids on the trees in the garden. We all climbed out and lots of photos were taken. The two houseboats were tied together and we all had dinner together.

At bedtime we realised that the two single beds in our twin room had been made up with a single “double sheet and double blanket”. Very odd. Fortunately I had my sleeping bag liner, so I just used that.

We had breakfast on the rice boats as we cruised back to where our coach was waiting for us. After a very leisurely ride yesterday we hit the road to cover some serious distance again today.

There was a school of children washing their breakfast plates in the water. As usual, they were happy to see us, and loved posing to have their photos taken.
After a half hour coach journey we saddled up for our last 85km. Climbing off the air conditioned coach, we knew we were in for a tough ride; it was only about 10am but it was already hot!
Again we cycled some quieter roads, surrounded by brightly coloured houses, dilapidated shacks, smiling locals and pungent smells. There was a lot of burning piles on their sides of the road today.
A lot of the ride this morning was along the coast, and brightly coloured nets dotted along with people mending them under the shade of the palm trees. We even saw dolphins out at sea!
Another ferry crossing, this time with slightly better condition seats, and then we had about a 10km stretch on the motorway again. One of the ladies commented that it felt a bit like playing a game of space invaders! Deepak took the lead this time. He set off at a much faster pace than we’d been enjoying the rest of the ride. I was determined to keep up with him and Ed, especially as the wind had picked up a bit and I could use them to as a wind breaker 🙂 I was also pleased to get off that road as soon as we could.
We stopped for lunch at a restaurant that backed onto the beach. Who would have thought it?

A couple more kilometres on the motorway and then Vishnu was back in the lead navigating the smaller roads again. The calming view of the sea and sounds of the ocean kept us company for much of the ride. Some of the roads were nicely tarred, some, tar was nowhere to be seen.
The last stretch was undulating hills. Finally we reached “Deshadan” (our accommodation for the last two nights) and cheers of jubilation and high fives all round signified the end of amazing achievement!

Tomorrow gives us the opportunity to relax at the beach, swim in the pool or even do some last minute shopping!
2 more sleeps till I see my boys again!
Our total cycling distance today was approximately 85 kilometres
What a great achievement. Well don to you all. Safe travels home team.
You are truly amazing. Well done xx
Well done Candy. What a great experience. Can just imagine how many stories you have to share with Chris and your boys.